Get Power Over Ethernet Clocks For Your Office

Have you ever given any thought to who keeps the clocks showing the correct time in your office? We tend to take for granted that they always show the correct time, and they seem to update themselves for daylight savings time. The truth is probably that your office has somebody responsible for facilities management who goes around keeping the clocks to time, so you don't even need to think about it.

Power over Ethernet clocks are a great solution to reduce this workload, as they work over the existing network in your office (the same one the computers use). They can even get their power over the network, so there is no need to have a power outlet nearby. The big advantage is that they will automatically keep time with a single centralised source, so if the time displayed drifts away from accuracy, just one alteration needs to be made to update all clocks around the building. However, even this manual intervention is likely unnecessary, as they are highly accurate, and even the source of the system can be synchronised with time servers on the Internet in order to achieve complete automation.

In the event of malfunction, you can often remotely correct an individual power over Ethernet clock anywhere in the building. As they are connected to a computer network, you are able to control each unit from a computer elsewhere, so you will rarely need to physically visit the location of a clock.

The secondary benefits of the power over Ethernet clocks are probably even more valuable to your business. You can be confident that a clock in one part of the building shows an identical time to everywhere else, so employees making excuses for being late for meetings due to the clocks stopping or falling behind is no longer available.

Who would have thought that advancements to something as commonplace as a clock could deliver both productivity benefits and cost savings?